CeraRing™ Convex Barrier Rings

CeraRing™ Convex barrier rings help prevent leakage and are infused with ceramide to protect the skin. They come in round and oval shapes, are flexible, and can be molded to fill in uneven skin contours around the stoma – providing a secure, personalized, and comfortable skin barrier fit.

The convex shape provides additional uniform pressure around the stoma to help prevent leakage and give you the security you need.


CeraPlus™ Ostomy Products are infused with ceramide, a natural element found in skin. The ceramide-infused formula helps form a protective, waterproof barrier that helps keep skin healthy from Day 1.


  • Convessità
  • Infusi con ceramide
  • Disponibili a forma rotonda e ovale
  • Flessibili e modellabili
  • Privo di lattice di gomma naturale

Prodotti consigliati

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